Command line input while a running script displays strange symbols

command linespecial charactersterminal

If I use the bash shell cli and run some program which doesn't return immediately, then I input some letters (basically typing the next command before noticing the previous didn't finish) and the input always looks something like this (especially when using arrow up and down keys:)

]]A^ or ]]B^

And I wonder, is this kind of premature input 'harmful' in anyway, or what does the returned string mean?

Best Answer

These strings are the raw representation of the special characters you typed (like home, end, arrows, tab etc...).
Their harmful effect is controlled by the command you are running, if it is receiving input from the terminal, these characters will be part of it's input.
If it does not take input from the terminal, it shouldn't have any adverse effects on any of the Unix flavors I know of.

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