Combine List of Words into One Line and Add Characters Using awk or sed

awkpastesedtext processing

I want to take a file that has a list of words on each line of its own eg.


and put them into one line with comma separated and quoting them. So that it turns out like:

'act', 'bat', 'cat', 'dog', 'eel',

so, a single quote, then the word, then another single quote, then a comma, then a space. Then output to a new file with a new name.

Best Answer

Using awk:

awk '{printf ("'\'%s\'', ", $0)}' infile > new_file
'act', 'bat', 'cat', 'dog', 'eel',

Or to avoid adding an extra comma at the end, use below instead.

awk '{printf S"'\''"$0"'\''";S=", "}'
'act', 'bat', 'cat', 'dog', 'eel'

Or using paste without quoting.

paste -d, -s infile

Then quote it with helping sed:

sed -r "s/(\w+)/'\1'/g" <(paste -d, -s infile)
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