Color schemes good for the eyes


Are there any common guidelines howto choose a color scheme (for example foreground/background color) for terminal, emacs etc. to minimize exhaustion of the eyes? If so, is there scientific evidence for such a guideline?

In particular are there ready to use eye-friendly color schemes for urxvtand emacs?


It would be also interesting to know, how the decision depends on the screen (matte, glossy) and on the environment (indoor, outdoor,…). In my case it is a Dell Latitude ATG which has a slightly glossy screen (not matte, but not a mirror). I use it indoors in office, in dark rooms and also outdoors.

In my case I first thought, that black font on white background is the best because the white background reduces reflections due to the glossy screen. And because black on white seems to be a high contrast. However it seems that the bright white tires the eyes…

I should point out, that I am not interested in personal opinions but in scientific evidence or at least in reasonable generally accepted guidelines based on experience.

Best Answer

Taken from the solorized home page:

Black text on white from a computer display is akin to reading a book in direct sunlight and tires the eye. Solarized reduces brightness contrast but, unlike many low contrast colorschemes, retains contrasting hues (based on colorwheel relations) for syntax highlighting readability.