Cinnamon 2.2 How to add custom shortuct: move workspace up

cinnamonkeyboard shortcuts

I'm quite aware this must have been asked many times, but I cannot seem to find the right search terms to get an answer.

I would like to have Ctrl+Shift+Up move my workspace up, and similarly Ctrl+Shift+Down to move down. Currently when I use these shortcuts cinnamon shows all the available workspaces or goes into expo mode. How do I change this?

Best Answer

Well, there is no "Up" really. They may be displayed stacked in expo mode but that depends on how many you have defined. Anyway, you should be able to set this in Cinnamon Settings. You need to find the "Keyboard" section and choose the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab:

  enter image description here

  enter image description here

Change the shortcuts for "Switch to left workspace" and "Switch to right workspace" to Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down respectively and you should get what you want.

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