PDF File Format – Check PDF File Version from Command Line

file formatpdf

Is there any command line tool available on Linux to check a PDF file version?

Best Answer

Yes. The file command covers this

$ file x1.pdf
x1.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7

To get greater detail, you could try pdfinfo, part of popper-utils.

$ pdfinfo x1.pdf
Title:          Full page photo
Author:         steve
Producer:       Microsoft: Print To PDF
CreationDate:   Fri Apr  5 10:14:34 2019
ModDate:        Fri Apr  5 10:14:34 2019
Tagged:         no
UserProperties: no
Suspects:       no
Form:           none
JavaScript:     no
Pages:          9
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      841.5 x 594.75 pts
Page rot:       0
File size:      5424973 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.7
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