How to Check Package Version Using Apt-Get or Aptitude


Before I install a package, I'd like to know what version I would get.

How do I check the version before installing using apt-get or aptitude on Debian or Ubuntu?

Best Answer


You can run a simulation to see what would happen if you upgrade/install a package:

apt-get -s install <package>

To see all possible upgrades, run a upgrade in verbose mode and (to be safe) with simulation, press n to cancel:

apt-get -V -s upgrade


The option policy can show the installed and the remote version (install candidate) of a package.

apt-cache policy <package>


If installed, shows version information about one or more packages:

apt-show-versions <package>

Passing the -u switch with or without a package name will only show upgradeable packages.


The console GUI of aptitude can display upgradeable packages with new versions. Open the menu 'Upgradable Packages'. Pressing v on a package will show more detailed version information.

Or on the command-line:

aptitude versions <package>

Passing -V will show detailed information about versions, again to be safe with the simulation switch:

aptitude -V -s install <package>

Substituting install <package> with upgrade will show the versions from all upgradeable packages.

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