Process – How to Change the Parent Process of a Process?


Is it possible to change the parent process of a process? If yes, how?

For example,

  • how does screen manage to attach a screen session and the processes running inside it to different shell processes? Is there change of parent process?

  • I seem to heard of other ways of change of shell process in which a program is running, but I don't remember. Is there also change of parent process of the program?

  • I thought disown on a process changes the parent process of the process, simply because the name disown implies that. But I found it is not true.

  • Emacs client can attach to emacs server on a different terminal tab. Is there change of parent process?

Best Answer

The parent process id (ppid) of a process cannot be changed outside of the kernel; there is no setppid system call. The kernel will only change the ppid to (pid) 1 after the processes parent has terminated - if the process did not respond to a signal that the parent was terminated. For this to happen, the process needs to have ignored various signals (SIGHUP, SIGTERM, etc.) beforehand.

screen(1) has a very elegant means of handling detaching and reattaching. When you first start screen, you are actually starting a user interface (ui), which by default will create a daemon (the session manager). This daemon has no terminal associated with it, a new process group (setpgrp(2)), a new session id (setsid(2)). The daemon, running as SCREEN, will then create subprocesses connected to pseudo-terminals (pty), then multiplexes the data from the ptys and the ui (screen). The subprocesses think they are talking with a real terminal.

If the ui screen terminates, the daemon SCREEN will still be running, buffering data, handling signals, waiting for a new ui, etc. because it is a different process group and in its own session. When you reattach with a new ui screen, then the daemon will continue to multiplex as it was doing before. The daemon will run continue running until all subprocesses terminate, is killed, a fatal bug is encountered or the host reboots.

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