Change the keyboard layout in LightDM


I installed LightDM on an Arch Linux system (using pacman) and it runs fine, except, that if I try to type a special character (like "@", "$", …) in the user or password field it doesn't do anything. I'm using the gtk3 greeter, but it doesn't work with other greeters aswell.

I configured the keyboard and the locale like described in the Arch Linux installation guide and it also says in the top right corner of LightDM "de_DE.utf-8".

Best Answer

The problem was that I forgot the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf . I created it with the content:

Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "keyboard"
    MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
    Option "XkbLayout" "de"
    Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"

and now LightDM works.

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