CentOS Kickstart – Available Commands in the %pre Section of a Kickstart File


Environment: CentOS 5.5 and 6.4

I have a request to analyze the hardware before installation to make sure our customers don't install our software on sub-standard server hardware. For example, examining memory, disk space, CPU, network card… So, the %pre section in my ks.cfg file seems like the perfect place to do this??? But, I can't get a command like free to work…. I would like to find out what commands are available in the %pre section and is this the right place to perform hardware analysis before the installation begins???.. If the %pre section of ks.cfg is NOT a good place to do this, then where?? Here is what I've tried so far and I get NO output:


  (echo "Analyzing Hardware...") >/dev/tty1
  free >/dev/tty1
  free_txt=`free -o`
  (echo "$free_txt") >/dev/tty1

I see 'Analyzing Hardware…' on the screen during the first part of the install but nothing after that…..

Best Answer

The %pre section(s) of your kickstart run inside the installer environment.

Here's a list of helpful commands that are available in the installer environment in RHEL6.5:

  • Shell utils: arch awk basename bash cat chattr chgrp chmod chown chroot clear clock consoletype cp cut date df dmesg du echo egrep env expr false fgrep find getopt grep head hwclock id kill killall killall5 less ln ls lsattr mkdir mknod mktemp mv pidof ps pwd readlink rm rmdir sed sh shred sleep sort split sync tac tail tee top touch true tty uname uniq wc which xargs
  • Editors and pagers: less more vi
  • Hash utilities: md5sum sha1sum sha256sum
  • Compression and archives: gzip bzip2 cpio dd tar rpm
  • fsck/mkfs/etc. for ext2 ext3 ext4 xfs btrfs msdos vfat
  • Other filesystem stuff: mkswap swapon swapoff dmraid dmsetup mdadm mdmon dump restore mt lvm lvs vgs pvs ...
  • Networking utilities: arp arping curl dhclient dhclient-script ftp ifconfig hostname ip ipcalc mtr nc ping rcp rdate rlogin telnet nslookup ntpdate route rsh rsync ssh ssh-keygen sshd scp sftp wget
  • Hardware info: biosdevname blkdeactivate blkid blockdev dmidecode lshal lspci lsscsi sginfo smartctl
  • Disk utilities: eject dump restore hdparm smartctl losetup kpartx parted fdisk sfdisk
  • Console handling / dialogs: chvt consolehelper openvt whiptail zenity
  • Logging: logger rsyslogd syslogd
  • python
  • And lots more!

If you run a manual install, you can switch to the terminal on VT2 (CtrlAltF2) and poke around to find out everything that's available inside the installer environment. compgen -c | sort -u is an easy way to list every command available, and there's lots of system information to be found in /sys and /proc.

(And yes, the kickstart is re-parsed after the %pre scripts run, so your %pre can edit the kickstart and/or generate new kickstart snippets to use with %include.)

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