rsync – Resolving rsync Error: Some Files/Attrs Were Not Transferred


I'm trying to move my emails Maildir from an old centos server to a new debian server.

rsync -avz /home/me/Maildir ssh root@ipaddress:/var/vmail/me/Maildir

I tried to copy an 8gb account, didn't work, try to move another about 20mb, didn't work, tried to use

-avn, didn't work either.

sync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1039) [sender=3.0.6]

Best Answer

Error 23 is defined as a "partial transfer" and might be caused by filesystem incompatibilities, such as different character sets or access control lists. In this case it could be caused by files in /home that begin with a . and are thus marked hidden.

In this case you could try something like:

rsync -avz --exclude='/*/.local' /home/me/Maildir ssh root@ipaddress:/var/vmail/me/Maildir

The verbose argument -v should actually give you some sort of list of the problems.