CentOS – Installing VPNC

centossoftware installationvpn

I'm currently attempting to establish a vpn connection, but I am unable to install a vpn client. I assumed installation would be as simple as sudo yum install vpnc, but CentOS is unable to find the vpnc package.

I browsed some more, and discovered I needed to install and enable the rpmforge repository for yum to find the package. I downloaded the rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm and installed successfully. However, when I run my original yum command, I am still unable to find the package.

Is there a different repository I need to add in order to locate the vpnc packages for CentOS 6.3?

Best Answer

The EPEL repository has a vpnc package. Generally, EPEL should be the first place you should look for additional packages. The EPEL repository is semi-official, since it is from the Fedora project. Unlike rpmforge, it doesn't contain any packages that already exist in CentOS/RHEL, so you do not need to worry about conflicts.

Instructions on setting up the EPEL repository can be found here. Optionally, you can manually download the rpm.

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