Centos – Install Desktop on Centos 6.3 remote server

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Through our hosting provider, we can create servers running CentOS 6.3. However, these installs are meant to be used as servers that are accessed remotely. They do not come packaged with a GUI "Desktop" environment.

What steps do you suggest to take in order to go from the packaged minimal install, to an install that includes:

  • Desktop GUI
  • Remote desktop functionality (so we can log and use the desktop from a remote environment)

Best Answer

You can install the X Window System package group and, if you also need a full desktop environment, the Desktop group as well which will give you a full-blown Gnome desktop:

# yum groupinstall 'X Window System'
# yum groupinstall Desktop

A lighter alternative might be the basic-desktop package group.

For remote graphical access you can use VNC Server:

# yum install vnc-server

You may find useful the VNC Server HowTo on the CentOS Wiki.

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