Centos – How to permanantly disable /var/log/secure


When I delete /var/log/secure this file will be recreated. How do I disable the recreation of this file?

Best Answer

/var/log/secure is written to by syslogd (or rsyslogd, depending on the OS version) -- this is controlled by /etc/syslog.conf (or /etc/rsyslog.conf). As shipped, the log class "authpriv.*" is set to log to this file. If you don't wan't logging, your can comment out this selector from the .conf file.

Also, check the logrotate configuration (/etc/logrotate.conf, /etc/logrotated.d/) for the rotation script for syslog. This will typically re-create the file (although the file won't be growing if you comment it out of /etc/rsyslog.conf).

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