Centos – How to disable sudo related logging for successful command execution under CentOS/Fedora


You can disable sudo related log messages via adding something like

Defaults:juser !syslog

to the sudoers file.

That will disable logging to syslog. But under e.g. CentOS/Fedora there is an auditd enabled by default which continues to (verbosely) log a successful sudo execution via /var/log/audit/audit.log. That means one (successful) sudo call results in 5 auditd log entries.

One (perhaps too broad) method to silence those messages is to disable the auditing of those message via auditctl options like those:

-a exclude,always -F msgtype=USER_START
-a exclude,always -F msgtype=USER_END 
-a exclude,always -F msgtype=USER_CMD
-a exclude,always -F msgtype=CRED_ACQ
-a exclude,always -F msgtype=CRED_DISP

Is there a more elegant/fine-grained method to only disable the auditing of successful sudo-calls?

(Perhaps only for a certain sudo-user?)

Best Answer

I looked this up on CentOS 7.

According to man auditctl you could check for the euid to filter out more specific for the user juser.

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