Linux – How to Colorize Output of ls


I'm running CentOS in Linux text mode. When I run the command ls /usr/, the output is too hard to read (dark blue on black). How can I change the text coloring?

Screenshot of the ls output

Best Answer

If you are wanting to change your colours in the console, that is outside X, then you can specify colours in your .bashrc, like so:

if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then
    echo -en "\e]P0222222" #black
    echo -en "\e]P8222222" #darkgrey
    echo -en "\e]P1803232" #darkred

Where you are defining black as #222222 See this post for the details:

If you are working in X, then you can customize your setup by defining your colours in your .Xresources like so:

 *color0:  #3D3D3D
 *color8:  #5E5E5E
 *color1:  #8C4665
 *color9:  #BF4D80

and then sourcing this file when you start X, typically from your .xinitrc:

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

The Arch Wiki has a page on .Xresources that explains all of the options:

Another enhancement you can make either in X or not is to specify all of the different filetypes that you would like to colour—and their respective colours in a .dir_colors file, like so:

.xinitrc       01;31 
.Xauthority    01;31
.Xmodmap       00;31
.Xresources    01;33

To get started, copy /etc/dir_colors to your user's /home directory and make your changes. Then source this from your .bashrc with eval $(dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors) This will allow you fine-grained control over the colours of files and filetypes when you use ls.

You can find (an incredibly detailed and thorough) .dir_colors example file here:

With a combination of all three approaches, you can create a reasonably uniform setup, whether you are working in the console or in X.

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