Centos – cannot find -luuid error make


I am using centos7 and am trying to build this https://github.com/daveti/prov-tools/tree/master/system however I get

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -luuid

I did yum install with libuuid and it says that its installed, but I'm missing libuuid.a it seems. However there is no libuuid-static. Is there a package I'm missing or can I change my makefile so that i makes.

Here is the makefile

PREFIX ?= /usr  

CFLAGS ?= -Wall -Werror 
CFLAGS += -std=gnu99 -static

BINARIES = pbang ncred elijah fixbang
OBJECTS = plog

all: $(BINARIES)

    $(RM) $(BINARIES) $(addsuffix .o,$(OBJECTS))

install: $(addprefix install-,$(BINARIES))

install-%: %
    install -D $< $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/sbin/$<

ncred elijah: plog.o

pbang: LDLIBS += -lz -luuid

.PHONY: all clean install

I verified that I have libuuid.so using find, but I'm not sure how I would link to this?

Best Answer

You need libuuid-devel , this package provide libraries for compiling .

libuuid provide libraries fro running

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