CentOS 6 Default Installation Options – Overview of CentOS 6 Installation Choices


Can someone tell me the difference between a Desktop Install, a Basic Server install, and a Minimal Install? During installation, it doesn't give a description and I can't find documentation on it either.

This is for a CentOS 6 installation.

Best Answer

As you've already noticed, Red Hat's description is vague about what each suite actually includes. Below is a list of the package groups the each suite will install.

You can get more information about what package group by running yum groupinfo foo-bar. The names listed below differ from what yum grouplist will list but the groupinfo cobase, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, hardware-monitoring, java-platform, large-systems, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platformmmand still works on them.

I got this by mounting http://mirror.centos.org/centos-6/6/os/x86_64/images/install.img and looking at /usr/lib/anaconda/installclasses/rhel.py inside the image.

Desktop: base, basic-desktop, core, debugging, desktop-debugging, desktop-platform, directory-client, fonts, general-desktop, graphical-admin-tools, input-methods, internet-applications, internet-browser, java-platform, legacy-x, network-file-system-client, office-suite, print-client, remote-desktop-clients, server-platform, x11

Minimal Desktop: base, basic-desktop, core, debugging, desktop-debugging, desktop-platform, directory-client, fonts, input-methods, internet-browser, java-platform, legacy-x, network-file-system-client, print-client, remote-desktop-clients, server-platform, x11

Minimal: core

Basic Server: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, hardware-monitoring, java-platform, large-systems, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform

Database Server: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, hardware-monitoring, java-platform, large-systems, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform, mysql-client, mysql, postgresql-client, postgresql, system-admin-tools

Web Server: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, java-platform, mysql-client, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, php, postgresql-client, server-platform, turbogears, web-server, web-servlet

Virtual Host: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, hardware-monitoring, java-platform, large-systems, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform, virtualization, virtualization-client, virtualization-platform

Software Development Workstation: additional-devel, base, basic-desktop, core, debugging, desktop-debugging, desktop-platform, desktop-platform-devel, development, directory-client, eclipse, emacs, fonts, general-desktop, graphical-admin-tools, graphics, input-methods, internet-browser, java-platform, legacy-x, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, print-client, remote-desktop-clients, server-platform, server-platform-devel, technical-writing, tex, virtualization, virtualization-client, virtualization-platform, x11

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