Can’t resolve CentOS 6.2 server by name from OS X


I just set up a new AirPort Extreme and CentOS 6.2 server – the server is meant to be a general-purpose storage machine, and so I've set up Samba and Avahi on it. I can easily access the server by IP address from my MacBook Pro running OS X Lion, but attempting to resolve it by name – from the terminal with ping, in a connect prompt (smb://my-server/) – doesn't work.

Are there any particular configuration steps I need to take? How can I get access by name to the server from OS X?

Best Answer

Support has been available for mDNS and related discovery services on most Linux distros for sometime. Static IPs or fixed hostnames are not scalable for cloud/rapid deployment/Vagrant. Ideally, there is some good hackery in the cloud init tools and also possibly generating a unique hostname based on a string template on first boot (along with reseal scripts).

Anyhow, here's the easy way to get mDNS working for most major OSes.

On CentOS/RHEL/Fedora:

su - -c 'yum install -y avahi avahi-tools nss-mdns ;
service avahi-daemon start'

On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo su - -c 'apt-get install -y avahi-daemon avahi-discover nss-mdns ;
sudo invoke-rc.d avahi-daemon start'

On Arch:

echo 'You won't need hand-holding here I assume.'


What's nice is this gets mDNS working on the Linux box the other way too, so you can usually just start pinging/ssh/etc to your Mac right way. Woot. avahi-browse --all is very neat.

Don't forget the inbound firewall rule on the box acting as a server.

-A INPUT -d -p udp -m udp --dport 5353 -m comment --comment "mDNS" -j ACCEPT

Also, configure with /etc/avahi/ and restart the daemon.

Incidentially, I am building a CentOS 6.2 x86_64 minimal appliance for a client on my MacBook Pro under VMware Fusion 4.x.

Perhaps someone will add the bit for making sure that the announcement work and publishing of services (esp. ssh and web urls) works correctly for Mac, Linux and even Windows clients.

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