Manjaro i3 XDG-Open – Can’t Change the XDG-Open URL-Handler to Firefox


My problem is that many programs call xdg-open to open websites but on my Manjaro system (based on Arch Linux) this is somehow bound to cups 🙂

When such a call to xdg-open happens, the CPU usage goes up a lot, without anything happens. I restart because the laptop gets hot very quickly.

~ $ xdg-settings get default-web-browser

When I want to change that, I get the following response:

~ $ xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop
xdg-settings: $BROWSER is set and can't be changed with xdg-settings

I can go ahead and change the environment variable for the browser and I'm fixed, BUT only for this one terminal. How could I make this change permanent or add it to autostart?

I'm using: i3 4.12, fish shell

Best Answer

Check the BROWSER variable in /etc/profile and /etc/environment and eventually in your ~/.bashrc. It is probably set to /usr/bin/xdg-open so you should consider to change it to avoid the recursive call.

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