Cannot enable HiDPI from Gnome Tweak Tool


In past Fedora releases, the Gnome Tweak Tool can be used to turn on HiDPI for Retina displays. However, I found the option missing in Fedora 27 (at least for the beta version I’m using, but it doesn’t feel like this is an issue of the beta).

enter image description here

While trying workarounds, I found this command to be working: (effective after login again)

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2

But this command does not have good support for some apps, such as Firefox and even the system file browser. I believe there should be some graphical way to do this, am I right?

Best Answer

Apparently it's been removed from Tweaks but not from dconf which is why you're still able to do it via terminal... Typical GNOME stuff.
Anyway, as of gnome 3.26, there's a new dconf key under org.gnome.mutter called experimental-features which is of type as (array of strings - it accepts multiple string values) and one particular value enables HiDpi support on Wayland (including fractional values):

• "scale-monitor-framebuffer" — makes mutter default to layout logical monitors
                                in a logical pixel coordinate space, while scaling
                                monitor framebuffers instead of window content, to
                                manage HiDPI monitors. Does not require a restart.

So per the above, fire up dconf-editor and add 'scale-monitor-framebuffer' to the list of experimental features under org.gnome.mutter:

enter image description here

For those who prefer the terminal, follow the instructions here (sure, replacing the values in that example: 'screen-cast', 'remote-desktop' with 'scale-monitor-framebuffer').
Restart your session and you should then be able to set the scaling factor from the control center
Settings > Devices > Displays > Scale:

enter image description here

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