Cancel completion, but only completion, in zsh


When a completion function takes a long time, I can interrupt it by pressing Ctrl+C (terminal interrupt key, sends SIGINT) or Ctrl+G (bound to send-break). I am then left with the uncompleted word.

However, if I happen to hit Ctrl+C or Ctrl+G just as the completion function finishes, my key press may cancel the command line and give me a fresh prompt instead of cancelling the completion.

How can I set up zsh so that a certain key will cancel an ongoing completion but do nothing if no completion function is active?

Best Answer

Here's a solution that sets up a SIGINT handler that makes Ctrl+C only interrupt when completion is active.

# A completer widget that sets a flag for the duration of
# the completion so the SIGINT handler knows whether completion
# is active. It would be better if we could check some internal
# zsh parameter to determine if completion is running, but as 
# far as I'm aware that isn't possible.
function interruptible-expand-or-complete {

    # Bonus feature: automatically interrupt completion
    # after a three second timeout.
    # ( sleep 3; kill -INT $$ ) &!

    zle expand-or-complete


# Bind our completer widget to tab.
zle -N interruptible-expand-or-complete
bindkey '^I' interruptible-expand-or-complete

# Interrupt only if completion is active.
function TRAPINT {
    if [[ $COMPLETION_ACTIVE == 1 ]]; then
        zle -M "Completion canceled."            

        # Returning non-zero tells zsh to handle SIGINT,
        # which will interrupt the completion function. 
        return 1
        # Returning zero tells zsh that we handled SIGINT;
        # don't interrupt whatever is currently running.
        return 0
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