X11 Resolution – Can X11 Scale to Virtual Resolutions on HiDPI/Retina Screens?


I've recently had the chance to use a Macbook Pro with Retina Display, and its quite clear that the display is futuristic enough to actually warrant Apple's over-the-top marketing.

I've got sensitive eyes, and I don't like looking at very small text. Apple's virtual scaling for HiDPI resolutions scales the entire screen, not just text/UI buttons. This creates a higher level of detail on a canvas encompassing a smaller virtual resolution.

Most discussions that I've found say there's no similar solution when using Linux except to change gnome DPI settings.

After some cursory research, it seems that scaled resolutions are possible under X11 (see here). The –scale feature can be used for netbooks virtualizing a larger resolution, but could inverted values emulate a 1440×900 desktop on a 2880×1800 screen? If not, why?

Best Answer

Why don't you try yourself?

xrandr --output LVDS-1 --scale 0.5x0.5

seems to work acceptably - but remember that it is just scaling, for example any font rendering will be blurry rather than fine and crisp (no matter what algorithm is used for the scaling it acts on bitmaps) - for that the correct solution is setting DPI of the display device and font/icon sizes.

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