See images and watch movies inside the terminal emulator


Can I see images and watch movies inside the terminal emulator? In case of virtual console I can do it via framebuffer, but what about terminal emulators?

Best Answer


is what you want.

For instance - I want to change the background of my terminal?

printf '\033}bp%s\000' \

What does it do?

It emulates a slightly extended vt100 with some extensions and bling thrown in.

> Most escapes supported by xterm, rxvt etc. work

> Xterm 256 color escapes work

> Backgrounds (bitmap, scalable/vector, animated gif, videos)

> Transparency

> Bitmap and scalable fonts supported

> Themes for the layout and design

> URL, file path and email address detection and link-handling

> Inline display of link content

> Multiple copy and paste selections and buffer support

> Works in X11

> Works in Wayland

> Works directly in the linux framebuffer (fbcon)

> Can be finger/touch controlled

> Scan scale by UI scaling factors

> Can render using OpenGL or OpenGL-ES2 (not a requirement - just an 

> Can display inlined media content (images, video, documents)

> Can do multiple "tabs"

> Can do splitting into multiple panes

> Block text selection

> Drag and drop of text selections and links

> Can stream media from URLs

> Tab switcher has live thumbnail content

> Single process, multiple windows/terminals support

> Fast (gives urxvt a run for its money)

> Themable visual bell

> Compress backscroll

> Text reflow on resize

> Color palette selection

> More...

You see that above? It does this in the framebuffer.