Pipe Command – How to Pipe Stdout on One Server to Stdin on Another Server


stdout on one CentOS server needs to be piped to stdin on another CentOS server. Is this possible?


ScottPack, MikeyB and jofel all have valid answers. I awarded the answer to Scott because, even though my question didn't specify security as a requirement, it's always nice to be safe. However, the other two fellows' suggestions will also work.

Best Answer

This is an unabashed yes.

When one uses ssh to execute a command on a remote server it performs some kind of fancy internal input/output redirection. In fact, I find this to be one of the subtly nicer features of OpenSSH. Specifically, if you use ssh to execute an arbitrary command on a remote system, then ssh will map STDIN and STDOUT to that of the command being executed.

For the purposes of an example, let's assume you want to create a backup tarball, but don't want to, or can't, store it locally. Let's have a gander at this syntax:

$ tar -cf - /path/to/backup/dir | ssh remotehost "cat - > backupfile.tar"

We're creating a tarball, and writing it to STDOUT, normal stuff. Since we're using ssh to execute a remote command, STDIN gets mapped to the STDIN of cat. Which we then redirect to a file.

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