Can emacs render downloaded html files


From Firefox, I downloaded a .html file, with a directory with name ended in _files, by specifying "Webpage, Complete". When open the .html in emacs, even under html-mode, only the source of the html file is displayed, and the webpage is not rendered. How can I render a downloaded html file inside Emacs? It will also be the best that the files under the _files dir is also used in the rendering, but I am only need to read text most of the time.

I am mainly looking form some light-weight (even text) application rather than full-fledged one, because I have opened too many webpages in both Firefox and Chrome, and they take up too much resources.

Is it the same as browsing a webpage via its URL?

Best Answer

I think you will get what you want with w3 ( It's an emacs web browser in lisp. It still looks like a web-page rendered in emacs...

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