Can close() block


For example, if you close a pipe or socket that still has data in its write buffer that hasn't been read by the process on the other end, does close() block until the data is read or the other process dies?

Best Answer

Yes, close can block:

If O_NONBLOCK is not set and there have been no signals posted for the STREAM, and if there is data on the module's write queue, close() shall wait for an unspecified time (for each module and driver) for any output to drain before dismantling the STREAM.


If fildes refers to a socket, close() shall cause the socket to be destroyed. If the socket is in connection-mode, and the SO_LINGER option is set for the socket with non-zero linger time, and the socket has untransmitted data, then close() shall block for up to the current linger interval until all data is transmitted.

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