Benefit of kernel module compiled inside kernel


What's the benefit of compiling kernel modules into the kernel (instead of as loadable modules)?

Best Answer

It depends. If you have a small amount of memory, the use of modules may improve the resume as they are not reloaded every time (I found it significant on 2 GiB of RAM but not on 4 GiB on traditional harddrives). This is especially true when due to some bug in the battery module (regardless of being compiled-in or as module), it took very long to start (several minutes). Even without bug on gentoo I managed to shorten time (reported by systemd-analysis) from 33s to 18s just by changing from statically compiled kernel to modules - 'surprisingly' the start of kernel changed from 9s to 1.5s.

Also, when you don't know what hardware are you going to use, modules are clearly beneficial.

PS. You can compile even vital drivers as modules as long as you include them in initrd. For example, distros will include the filesystem of /, drivers of harddrive etc. in initrd on installation.

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