Bash – Why Doesn’t Bash Update Through Yum?


I'm trying to update bash on CentOS 7 – I need at least 4.4 for my project and the default shell on it is 4.2. It's a production server, so I literally just want a new version of bash as the default shell and that's it; I don't want to be messing around too much or updating anything else.

Anyway, running:

yum update bash


No packages marked for update

The command:

yum repolist all

shows that the CentOS 7 updates repo is enabled (not CentOS 7.* base/updates though).

As a result, this command:

 yum  --enablerepo=updates update bash

does nothing.

I can share my CentOS-Base.repo file, if it helps. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

The point of distributions like RedHat (and thus CentOS) is that it's stable; it doesn't have the latest version of every software, it has a consistent version. For CentOS7 the current version is bash-4.2.46-33.el7. RedHat will backport security fixes but may not backport functionality enhancements because they can cause compatibility issues.

If you need a different version then you may need to compile it from source and place it in a non-standard location (e.g. $HOME/bin/bash). Don't overwrite /bin/bash because the OS may replace it at any time through yum update.

In comparison, RedHat 8 (CentOS8) has bash 4.4, and Debian 10 has bash 5.0

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