Bash – Why do piping and redirection work differently with here documents

bashcommand historyio-redirectionpipeshell

Combining a redirect with a here document seems logical enough:

$ bash > foo <<EOF
echo Hello

$ less foo

But with a pipe it behaves differently:

$ bash | tee foo <<EOF
echo Hello

$ less foo
echo Hello

What's also weird is if you immediately type 'history':

$ bash | tee foo <<EOF
echo Hello
$ history
$ history
1 ...

That is, the first command still seems to be inside the newly created bash.
What's going on? Why does the pipe behave differently?

Best Answer

You're redirecting tee's input, not bash's. Use:

bash << EOF | tee foo
echo Hello

A few more examples to illustrate how it works:

bash << EO1 3<< EO\2 | tee 3<< EO3 foo 4<< EO4
fed (as a deleted temp file open in read-only mode) to bash fd 0
fed to bash fd 3 without $variable and $(cmd) expansion
fed to tee fd 3
(not that tee does anything with its fd 3)
fed to tee fd 4
(see how, like any redirection operator 3<< END can appear anywhere on
the command line (for simple commands at least))

Redirecting compound commands:

{ head -n2; wc -l; } << EOF
fed as fd 0 for the whole command group
$(ps -e)


if head -n1; then
  head -n2
fi << EOF

You can reuse the same ending token:

$ ls -l /proc/self/fd << E 3<< E >&2 | 3<< E 4<< E ls -l /proc/self/fd
pipe heredoc> E
pipe heredoc> E
pipe heredoc> E
pipe heredoc> E
total 0
lr-x------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 0 -> /tmp/zshLiVzp3 (deleted)
lrwx------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 1 -> /dev/pts/5
lrwx------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 2 -> /dev/pts/5
lr-x------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 3 -> /tmp/zshFLbQ7T (deleted)
lr-x------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 4 -> /proc/25749/fd/
total 0
lr-x------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 0 -> pipe:[70735808]
lrwx------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 1 -> /dev/pts/5
lrwx------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 2 -> /dev/pts/5
lr-x------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 3 -> /tmp/zshL3KBp3 (deleted)
lr-x------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 4 -> /tmp/zshcJjS7T (deleted)
lr-x------ 1 stephane stephane 64 Feb 24 12:50 5 -> /proc/25748/fd/

As to why the first history command is run in that new bash in:

$ bash | tee foo <<EOF
echo Hello
$ history
$ history
1 ...

That is because bash stdin is still the terminal, but its stdout is a dead pipe (at the other end of the pipe, tee has redirected its stdin from that delete temp file, so the reading end of that pipe is closed).

bash doesn't write its prompt or the echo of what you type on its stdout (the dead pipe), but to the terminal, so that bash will let you enter history at a first prompt.

However, that history (which is a builtin, so executed by the bash process, not a child), will write its output to that dead pipe. When doing so, the bash process will receive a SIGPIPE signal (since there's no reader) and die.

The next prompt will be issued by the calling shell.

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