Bash – What’s the purpose of 1> in exec 1> >(logger -s -t tagname) 2>&1


I just stumbled over

exec 1> >(logger -s -t $(basename $0)) 2>&1

which is used to redirect the output of the current script to the system logger (in case you've never seen this, but are interested check out to broaden your shell knowledge).

I am wondering why the 1> is necessary. It seems necessary because exec >(logger -s -t test) 2>&1 fails due to

bash: /dev/fd/63: Permission denied
bash: exec: /dev/fd/63: cannot execute: Permission denied

Omitting 1> is however what I'd do intuitively because exec >[some redirection target] already should be sufficient for the redirection according to the question linked above. 2>&1 then redirects the stderr to stdout as usual.

I'm using bash 4.4.19.

Best Answer

It is necessary (the extra >, not the 1, 1> could be simply written >). The >(...) process substitution will expand to something like /dev/fd/13 (a file name), and then > will redirect the standard output into it. Thence > >(...).