Bash – What does the history command !# do

bashcommand historyman

From the manual pages on history:

Event Designators
An event designator is a reference to a command line entry in the his‐
tory list. Unless the reference is absolute, events are relative to
the current position in the history list.

   !      Start a history substitution, except when followed by  a  blank,
          newline, = or (.
   !n     Refer to command line n.
   !-n    Refer to the current command minus n.
   !!     Refer to the previous command.  This is a synonym for `!-1'.
          Refer  to the most recent command preceding the current position
          in the history list starting with string.
          Refer to the most recent command preceding the current  position
          in  the  history  list containing string.  The trailing ? may be
          omitted if string is followed immediately by a newline.
          Quick substitution.  Repeat the last command, replacing  string1
          with string2.  Equivalent to ``!!:s/string1/string2/'' (see Mod‐
          ifiers below).
   !#     The entire command line typed so far.

All the others make sense, but I can't figure out any usage for !# from the context. What does it do and how is it usually used?

Best Answer

Answer here: What does !#:3 mean in a shell command

Basically, you can use it to shorten a command in combination with ':n', so:

$ cd /home/me/some/super/deep/dir/that/i/do/not/want/to/type/again ; ll !#:2 

Of course this is a bit silly example, because you could just do ll, but you get the idea, it can be used in sh scripts.

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