Bash – What Does !#:3 Mean in a Shell Command?

bashcommand history

The install guide for ack suggests installing the ack script using this command:

curl > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755 !#:3 

I assume that the !#:3 at the end is some kind of back-reference, but what does it mean? Is there an equivalent in zsh? Google has not been helpful.

Best Answer

This is a special syntax, expanded by bash. It also works for zsh.

According to the bash man page (section HISTORY EXPANSION), the pattern expands as following:

  • The event designator !# refers to the entire command line typed so far which is curl > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755
  • : splits between the event designator (this case the entire line) and the word designator (selects a sub-part)
  • the word designator 3 which selects the third word/argument (counting of words starts at zero), in this case ~/bin/ack.

The final command line (usually displayed before executed) is: curl > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755 ~/bin/ack.

For details, see the bash manual or very similar the zsh manual

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