Bash – way to make this one-liner faster



I have a directory of thousands of zip files that are dated in the form and each about 300K. Within each zip file is about 400 xml files each about 3K.

The problem

I need to be able to search and find a given string within a date-range of the zip files.

The current (albeit mediocre) solution

I have the following one-liner

find /home/mydir/ -type f | sort | \
awk "/,/" | \
xargs -n 1 -P 10 zipgrep "my search string"

The point of it is to

  1. list all the files in my thousand-file directory
  2. sort this list of files
  3. retrieve a range of files based on given dates (this awk command only prints lines after that first matched string and up to that second matched string)
  4. pass each line of the result which corresponds to a single file to zipgrep

The question

This one-liner runs horribly slow, even with 10 processes on a 24-core machine. I believe it's slow because of the zipgrep command but I'm not wise enough to know how to improve it. I don't know if I should be, but I'm a little embarrassed that a colleague wrote a java tool that runs faster than this script. I'd like to reverse that if possible. Then, does anyone know how to make this command faster in this context? Or to improve any part of it at all?

Best Answer

There's a part you can easily improve, but it isn't the slowest part.

find /home/mydir/ -type f | sort | \
awk "/,/"

This is somewhat wasteful because it first lists all files, then sorts the file names and extracts the interesting ones. The find command has to run to completion before the sorting can begin.

It would be faster to list only the interesting files in the first place, or at least as small a superset as possible. If you need a finer-grained filter on names than find is capable of, pipe into awk, but don't sort: awk and other line-by-line filters can process lines one by one but sort needs the complete input.

find /home/mydir/ -name 'xml_20140207_??????.zip' -type f | \
awk 'match($0, /_[0-9]*.zip$/) &&
     (time = substr($0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-5)) &&
     time >= 16 && time <= 235938' |
xargs -n 1 -P 10 zipgrep "my search string"

The part which is most obviously suboptimal is zipgrep. Here there is no easy way to improve performance because of the limitations of shell programming. The zipgrep script operates by listing the file names in the archive, and calling grep on each file's content, one by one. This means that the zip archive is parsed again and again for each file. A Java program (or Perl, or Python, or Ruby, etc.) can avoid this by processing the file only once.

If you want to stick to shell programming, you can try mounting each zip instead of using zipgrep.

… | xargs -n1 -P2 sh -c '
    mkdir "mnt$$-$1";
    fuse-zip "$1" "mnt$$-$1";
    grep -R "$0" "mnt$$-$1"
    fusermount -u "mnt$$-$1"
' "my search string"

Note that parallelism isn't going to help you much: the limiting factor on most setups will be disk I/O bandwidth, not CPU time.

I haven't benchmarked anything, but I think the biggest place for improvement would be to use a zipgrep implementation in a more powerful language.