Bash – How to Wait for All Subprocesses of a Script


I have a script with

for i in 1 2 3 4; do
    do_something $i &

And when I call it, it terminates before all do_something terminated. I found this question with many different answers.

Edit: help wait tells me that

If ID is not given, waits for all currently active child processes, and the return status is zero.

Is it not sufficient to just add a single wait at the end?

Best Answer

Yes, it's enough to use a single wait with no arguments at the end to wait for all background jobs to terminate.

Note that background jobs started in a subshell would need to be waited for in the same subshell that they were started in. You have no instance of this in the code that you show.

Note also that the question that you link to asks about checking the exit status of the background jobs. This would require wait to be run once for each background job (with the PID of that job as an argument).

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