Bash – View text file and highlight numbers


I'd like to view a text file on the terminal and highlight its numbers. Something like I get when I open it with gedit.
I haven't been able to do this with less, cat, vim or other viewers/editors.

P.S. My question is straightforward, but I haven't been able to find the correct keywords for a meaningful search.

DIY solution

Solution A

Match every number and highlights it, print every line:

egrep --colour=always '[-+]?[0-9]*[\.e]?[0-9]|$'

I guess I'll simply alias this.
I'm still wondering if there's a default option.

Edit: adding support for exponential e, tnx to @αғsнιη.

Solution B

Alright, my final solution below

grep -P --colour=always '(?:^|(?<=[\\, ;\-\+\*\/]))[-+]?[0-9]*[\.eE]?[0-9]+|$'

It looks behind for separation characters or beginning of line, and matches a great deal of number formats and the end of the line (so that every line is printed).

Finally, two useful aliases view and less-view:

alias v="grep --colour=always -P '(?:^|(?<=[\\, ;\-\+\*\/]))[-+]?[0-9]*[\.eE]?[0-9]+|$'"
function lv {                                                                    
    v $1 | less -R                                                               

Solution C

Here a better regex expression (to use within the single quotes of Solution B):


This solution accounts for any non alphanumeric and dot separation symbols.
The previous one was lacking of generality.

Edit: adding -nT to grep shows aligned line numbers.
Edit2: account for negative exponents by adding \-?.


Paste this in your ~/.bashrc and use the v, lv, cv to view, less-view, and column-view your text files:

# Highlight numbers when displaying text files
alias v="grep --colour=always -nTP '(?<![\w\.])[-+]?\-?[0-9]*[\.eE]?[0-9]+|$'"
# Send v output to less
function lv {
    v $1 | less -R
# Convert CSV to TSV and send to lv
function cv {
    column -ts, $1 | lv

Edit: add CSV file reading shortcut and comments.

Best Answer

Match also +/- signs and e as well.

 grep -E --color '[-+\.]?[0-9](|[eE][-+]?[0-9]|$)'

This will match below various of numbers.

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