bash – Variable Not Expanding Inside Another Variable

bashshell-scriptvariablevariable substitution

I am reading a csv file in bash script as follows:

while IFS='|'read seqid fname fpath 
    echo "FILENO:         $seqid"
    echo "FILENAME:       $fname"
    echo "FILE_PATH:    $fpath"                    
done < "report.csv"

My csv file has following values :


I want the $resource to expand inside $fname. Instead, I am getting this output:

FILENO:         3
FILENAME:       sample1.txt
SOURCE PATH:    $resource/operation

I have tried the following:

$(echo $fpath)

How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

You can use eval, but the next maintainer will curse your name. Have you tried just appending the variable when using the parsed data, or expanding the variable when creating the data?

If the file is created that way, can't you just use some [redacted] techniques to convince the originator to change their wicked ways?

If change is literally not possible, then you must have control over which variables are possible. Otherwise your script is vulnerable to all sorts of injection attacks, such as inputs like 3|sample1.txt|$(rm --arr --eff /)/operation/. Since you obviously have that under control, you can do some literal replacements of variables with their values on a case by case basis:

IFS='/' read -a pathnames <<< "$fpath"
for pathname in "${pathnames[@]}"
    if [ "${pathname::1}" = '$' ]
        printf '%s' "${!variable_name}"
        printf '%s' "$pathname"

With some additional boilerplate to add slashes between pathnames.

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