Bash: /usr/bin/sed: No such file or directory


On a test server I purposefully deleted ????? in / – I was expecting the symlink /lib64 and the /media directory to be deleted. All went well (everything broke), but then I was curious about the output below:

[root@testserver /]# ls
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  rh_share3  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
[root@testserver /]# rm -rf ?????
bash: /usr/bin/sed: No such file or directory
[root@testserver /]# ls
bash: /usr/bin/ls: No such file or directory
bash: /usr/bin/sed: No such file or directory

I see that some packages have sed as a dependency, but I'm not understanding why it's calling sed for something as simple as pressing Enter

[root@testserver bin]# rpm -q --whatrequires sed

Why does the line bash: /usr/bin/sed: No such file or directory show up? Obviously sed is considered missing, but why is it being called at all? It is also not mentioned if I just run a strace -o bash bash. I know sed stands for stream editor – is every bash command run through sed, or what else could be going on?

The OS is an OOTB RHEL 8.2 (Oopta) with a GUI.


Below is the output of set | grep sed:

[user1@testserver ~]$ set | grep sed
    local command=$(HISTTIMEFORMAT= history 1 | sed 's/^ *[0-9]\+ *//');
                COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "$( bpftool help 2>&1 |                     command sed                     -e '/OBJECT := /!d'                     -e 's/.*{//'                     -e 's/}.*//'                     -e 's/|//g' )" -- "$cur" ));
    COMPREPLY+=($( compgen -W "$( bpftool -jp btf 2>&1 |         command sed -n 's/.*"id": \(.*\),$/\1/p' )" -- "$cur" ))
    COMPREPLY+=($( compgen -W "$( bpftool -jp map  2>&1 |         command sed -n 's/.*"id": \(.*\),$/\1/p' )" -- "$cur" ))
    COMPREPLY+=($( compgen -W "$( bpftool -jp map  2>&1 |         command grep -C2 "$type" |         command sed -n 's/.*"id": \(.*\),$/\1/p' )" -- "$cur" ))
    COMPREPLY+=($( compgen -W "$( bpftool -jp prog 2>&1 |         command sed -n 's/.*"id": \(.*\),$/\1/p' )" -- "$cur" ))
    COMPREPLY+=($( compgen -W "$( bpftool -jp prog 2>&1 |         command sed -n 's/.*"tag": "\(.*\)",$/\1/p' )" -- "$cur" ))
    type=$(bpftool -jp map show $keyword $ref |         command sed -n 's/.*"type": "\(.*\)",$/\1/p');
        COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "$( command sed -ne 's|^iface \([^ ]\{1,\}\).*$|\1|p'            /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.d/* 2>/dev/null )"             -- "$cur" ));
            COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "$( printf '%s\n'             /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-* |             command sed -ne 's|.*ifcfg-\([^*].*\)$|\1|p' )" -- "$cur" ));
                COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "$( command ls -B             /etc/sysconfig/interfaces |             command sed -ne 's|.*ifcfg-\([^*].*\)$|\1|p' )" -- "$cur" ));
                COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "$( printf '%s\n'             /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* |             command sed -ne 's|.*ifcfg-\([^*].*\)$|\1|p' )" -- "$cur" ));
    local included=$( command sed -ne 's/^[[:blank:]]*[Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu][Dd][Ee][[:blank:]]\{1,\}\([^#%]*\)\(#.*\)\{0,1\}$/\1/p' "${configfile}" );
    COMPREPLY+=($( compgen -W         "$( { LC_ALL=C ifconfig -a || ip addr show; } 2>/dev/null | command sed -ne             's/.*addr:\([^[:space:]]*\).*/\1/p' -ne             's|.*inet[[:space:]]\{1,\}\([^[:space:]/]*\).*|\1|p' )"         -- "$cur" ))
    [[ $# -ge $OPTIND ]] && echo "error: $FUNCNAME("$@"): unprocessed arguments:" $(while [[ $# -ge $OPTIND ]]; do printf '%s\n' ${!OPTIND}; shift; done);
        local hosts=$( command sed -ne 's/^[[:blank:]]*[Hh][Oo][Ss][Tt][[:blank:]]\{1,\}\([^#*?%]*\)\(#.*\)\{0,1\}$/\1/p' "${config[@]}" );
            local argtype=$( LC_ALL=C $1 --help 2>&1 | command sed -ne                 "s|.*$prev\[\{0,1\}=[<[]\{0,1\}\([-A-Za-z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*|\1|p" );
        COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "$( LC_ALL=C $1 --help 2>&1 |             command sed -ne 's/.*\(--[-A-Za-z0-9]\{1,\}=\{0,1\}\).*/\1/p' | sort -u )"             -- "$cur" ));
    COMPREPLY+=($(         { LC_ALL=C ifconfig -a || ip link show; } 2>/dev/null | command sed -ne         "s/.*[[:space:]]HWaddr[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]].*/\1/p" -ne         "s/.*[[:space:]]HWaddr[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]]*$/\1/p" -ne         "s|.*[[:space:]]\(link/\)\{0,1\}ether[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]].*|\2|p" -ne         "s|.*[[:space:]]\(link/\)\{0,1\}ether[[:space:]]\{1,\}\($re\)[[:space:]]*$|\2|p"
    COMPREPLY+=($( { arp -an || ip neigh show; } 2>/dev/null | command sed -ne         "s/.*[[:space:]]\($re\)[[:space:]].*/\1/p" -ne         "s/.*[[:space:]]\($re\)[[:space:]]*$/\1/p" ));
    COMPREPLY+=($( command sed -ne         "s/^[[:space:]]*\($re\)[[:space:]].*/\1/p" /etc/ethers 2>/dev/null ));
    COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "$( command ls -RL $modpath 2>/dev/null |         command sed -ne 's/^\(.*\)\.k\{0,1\}o\(\.[gx]z\)\{0,1\}$/\1/p' )" -- "$cur" ))
        COMPREPLY=($( compgen -X '<defunct>'             -W '$( command ps axo comm | command sed -e 1d )' -- "$cur" ));
        COMPREPLY=($( compgen -X '<defunct>' -W '$( command ps axo command= | command sed -e \
        COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W '`command sed -e "y/|/ /" \
    COMPREPLY+=($( compgen -W         "$( command sed -ne 's/^\([^[:space:]#|]\{2,\}\)|.*/\1/p' /etc/termcap             2>/dev/null )" -- "$cur" ));

Best Answer

The file that is causing this behavior is in /etc/profile.d/:

One aspect of VTE configuration is the use of /etc/profile.d/ The VTE uses this script to override the PROMPT_COMMAND in order to feed itself additional information via terminal control codes. In particular, this script is used to tell the VTE the current directory of the shell. Previously the VTE component used to read this from /proc/<pid>/cwd however according to VTE upstream there were a number of issues with this approach and hence the change to /etc/profile.d/


This behavior does not occur over SSH, only when using the GNOME Terminal. If anyone with a better understanding of window systems would like to write a more detailed answer, I would be glad to accept as my understanding of GNOME is limited at the moment.

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