Bash – Using in/out named pipes for a TCP connection


I've been fiddling with getting this to work for a while now, so I suspect some sort of fundamental misunderstanding about how pipes work is the root cause of my troubles.

My goal is to initiate a TCP connection to some remote host via netcat and have two named pipes on the filesystem: one that processes can read from to get incoming data, and other that processes can write to that serve as outgoing data. I am presently using the following construction:

mkfifo in
mkfifo out
cat out | netcat 4000 > in &

From here, I would like to permit other processes to read and write to/from this open TCP connection. Should this "just work", or is there a reason why a construct like this can't work?

What seems to happen at present is that I can read from out without issue, but when I write to in I get output mentioning a broken pipe and all subsequent communication appears to be dead. Thoughts?

(Related: I originally used:

netcat 4000 < out > in &

but found it to block waiting for input. I'm curious about this as well, but it's probably better addressed in a separate question.)

Best Answer

cat out | netcat 4000 > in &

I think the problem is that cat will exit as soon as it receives an EOF from the out pipe. And when cat exits, the rest of the pipeline (including netcat) gets terminated as well.

Try something like this instead:

while true; do cat out; done | netcat 4000 > in &

Thus, cat gets restarted as often as needed, and any EOFs appearing in the out pipe are effectively handled.

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