Bash unsets *_PID variable before I can wait on coproc


I'm trying to use coprocesses to pipe the output of asynchronous processes into other shell commands and then check the exit status of the asynchronous process:

coproc LS { ls dir; }
while IFS= read i; do echo "$i"; done <&"$LS" # Do something with the output.
wait "$LS_PID"; echo $? # Check exit status.

The problem is that the above code does not work, at least not with Bash 4.3.46(1)-release. After the while statement has executed, Bash will unset $LS_PID (probably because it notices that the process has terminated). Calling wait on the processes still works, e.g.:

coproc LS { ls dir; }
while IFS= read i; do echo "$i"; done <&"$LS" # Do something with the output.
wait "$P"; echo $? # Check exit status.

This will print 0 or 2 depending on whether the directory exists. Thus it is just an inconvenience that I have to save the PID to another variable. But I'm interested in why this happens and whether I can influence this.

Why is $LS_PID unset before I wait on the process? Is this behavior documented somewhere? Is there an easy workaround for this, because I think it's a common use case to both use the output of a command and also check its exit code.

Best Answer

This is the intended behaviour of the COPROC_PID variable it seems, though it's undocumented in the Bash manual.

The correct workaround is to do exactly what you've done; save the value of $COPROC_PID in a variable that will not be unset when the co-process exits.

Note that this will not work if the co-process exits before you have time to get it's PID, so it may be prudent to make sure that your variable has a value before you use it.


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