Bash Command Line – Understanding the Exclamation Mark (!)

bashcommand historycommand line

I used

history | less

to get the lines of previous commands and from the numbers on the left hand side I found the line I wanted repeated (eg. 22) and did


at the command prompt and it worked — executing the set of commands on the line I did at that time. I cannot figure out where the exclamation mark is used, what does it represent in terms of actions taken by bash, and where to use it. From the documentation I do not see an explanation that is 'tangible'.

Best Answer

! invokes history expansion, a feature that originally appeared in the C shell, back in the days before you could count on terminals to have arrow keys. It's especially useful if you add the current command number to the prompt (PS1="\!$ ") so you can quickly look at your screen to get numbers for past commands.

Now that you can use arrow keys and things like Ctrl-R to search the command history, I don't see much use for the feature.

One variant of it you might still find useful is !!, which re-executes the previous command. On its own, I don't find !!Enter any faster than just Enter, but it can be helpful when combined into a larger command.

Example: A common pilot error on sudo based systems is to forget the sudo prefix on a command that requires extra privileges. A novice retypes the whole command. The diligent student edits the command from the shell's command history. The enlightened one types sudo !!.

Processing ! in this way is enabled in Bash by default in interactive shells and can be disabled with set +o histexpand or set +H. You can disable it in Zsh with set -K.