Bash – Understanding exec > >(command)


I'm trying to learn the effect of exec > >(tee logfile) in the following code:


exec 7>&1           # save stdout for later reset                                                                           

exec > >(tee logfile)          # point stdout to FIFO pointing to tee command?                                              
#+expect any subsequent output to stdout to be sent                                                                         
#+both to stdout and logfile.                                                                                               

# so let's send some output                                                                                                 
echo howdy             # expect these strings to be sent both to terminal and                                               
echo g\'day            #+logfile                                                                                            
echo hello!

# restore stdout                                                                                                            
exec 1>&7
exec 7>&-

#check content of logfile!                                                                                                  
echo ------------
cat logfile

I'm just guessing here that exec > >(tee logfile) will redirect stdout to >(tee logfile).

Here's the output to terminal when this script is run:




And here's the content of logfile:


It seems my attempt to redirect stdout back to terminal has no effect: exec 1>&7. Perhaps, exec 1>&7 happens AFTER logfile has been written and its content sent to terminal.

And I don't understand the output to terminal when the script is executed. I'm guessing exec > >(tee logfile) is blocked until cat logfile reads it. Then content of logfile is duplicated to terminal due to tee logfile.

Could you help me understand these points?


Best Answer

The general form of the commmand is exec > output which causes all further output to stdout to be sent to the file "output".

This can be extended; eg exec 2> error will cause all futher output to stderr to be sent to the file "error"

Now, >(...) is a bashism that means write the output to a command; in this case the command is "tee logfile"

So we add the two together.

exec > >(tee logfile) means "write all further output to the command tee logfile".

Which means that all future output will be sent to the screen and (via tee) to the file "logfile"

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