Bash – Troubleshooting Script with Spaces in Filename


I've got a script that scp's a file from remote host back to local. Sometimes the file names contain spaces. scp does not like spaces in its file names. For some reason my attempts at handling the spaces have not resulted in the correct scp path.


PATH=/var/root/Documents/MyFile OG-v1.2.3.pkg
scp $PATH Me@

Results in

Cannot find directory: var/root/Documents/MyFile
Cannot find directory: OG-v1.2.3.pkg

Enclosing PATH in quotes "$PATH" gives the same error.

Swapping the spaces for escaped spaces also is not working, although as far as I can tell it should:

ESC_PATH=${PATH/' '/'\ '}

although printing the escaped path shows that the edit worked:

echo $ESC_PATH
> /var/root/Documents/MyFile\ OG-v1.2.3.pkg

Best Answer

You should quote both the declaration and the usage

path="/var/root/Documents/MyFile OG-v1.2.3.pkg"
scp "$path" Me@

If you do not quote the first, $path will contain just the first part. If you do not quote the second, scp will treat each space-separated part as an argument.

(I've changed $PATH to $path because $PATH is an important reserved variable and you must not use it for general purposes.)

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