Bash – timeout without killing process in bash


I have a main script that I'm running, and from it I have a second "slow process" I want to kick off, and "do something" in the main script if it doesn't complete in the time limit — depending on if it completed or not. N.B. If the "slow process" finishes before my time limit, I don't want to have to wait an entire time limit.

I want the "slow process" to keep going so I can gather stats and forensics about it's performance.

I've looked into using timeout, however it will kill my script when finished.

Suppose this simplified example.

result=`timeout 3 ./`
if [ "$result" = "Complete" ]
 echo "Cool it completed, do stuff..."
 echo "It didn't complete, do something else..."

start=`date +%s`
sleep 5
end=`date +%s`
total=`expr $end - $start`
echo $total >> /tmp/performance.log
echo "Complete"

Here, it uses timeout — so the script dies, so nothing winds up in /tmp/performance.log — I want to complete, but, I want to go onto its next step even if it doesn't finish in the 3 seconds.

Best Answer

With ksh/bash/zsh:

  (./ >&3 3>&-; echo "$?") |
    if read -t 3 status; then
      echo "Cool it completed with status $status, do stuff..."
      echo "It didn't complete, do something else..."
} 3>&1

We duplicate the original stdout onto fd 3 (3>&1) so we can restore it for (>&3), while stdout for the rest of the (...) subshell goes to the pipe to read -t 3.

Alternatively, if you want to use timeout (here assuming GNU timeout):

timeout --foreground 3 sh -c './;exit'

would avoid being killed (the ;exit is necessary for sh implementations that optimise by executing the last command in the shell process).

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