Bash – the use of “&>>” in bash


I was studying a bash script code where I encountered operator "&>>".
I didn't understand its use. So, I referred to .

It is semantically equivalent to >> file 2>&1 .

Following is the output from my shell :-

# echo $SHELL
# echo "hello" &>> file1
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `>'


# echo "hello" >> file1 2>&1

# cat file1 


Question :- Why am I getting error bash: syntax error near unexpected token '>' ?

[EDIT] :- Bash version 3.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)

Best Answer

You are getting that error because you using an older version of bash (3.2.25).

Since Bash4, there's &>>TARGET, which is equivalent to >> TARGET 2>&1.

Source: Appending redirected output

So, you should take in consideration an upgrade. I use bash version 4.2.45 and echo "hello" &>> file1 works like a charm for me.