Bash – What is the ‘eval’ Command?


What can you do with the eval command? Why is it useful? Is it some kind of a built-in function in bash? There is no man page for it..

Best Answer

eval is part of POSIX. Its an interface which can be a shell built-in.

Its described in the "POSIX Programmer's Manual":

eval - construct command by concatenating arguments

It will take an argument and construct a command of it, which will be executed by the shell. This is the example of the manpage:

1) foo=10 x=foo
2) y='$'$x
3) echo $y
4) $foo
5) eval y='$'$x
6) echo $y
7) 10
  1. In the first line you define $foo with the value '10' and $x with the value 'foo'.
  2. Now define $y, which consists of the string '$foo'. The dollar sign must be escaped with '$'.
  3. To check the result, echo $y.
  4. The result will be the string '$foo'
  5. Now we repeat the assignment with eval. It will first evaluate $x to the string 'foo'. Now we have the statement y=$foo which will get evaluated to y=10.
  6. The result of echo $y is now the value '10'.

This is a common function in many languages, e.g. Perl and JavaScript. Have a look at perldoc eval for more examples:

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