Bash – Test for existence of multiple files, given by pipe


I have a command that gives me a list of files, one on each line. Filenames are "normal" – no spaces, no need to escape parentheses etc.

Now I want to pipe that command to something like test -f and return true if and only if all of the files exist. (Behaviour with 0 lines can be undefined, I don't really care.)

So, something like

make_list_of_files | test -f

but actually working.

"Bashisms" are allowed, since I need it in Bash.

The files are not in the same directory, but they are in subdirectories of a current directory, and the paths have directory names in them, so for example


Best Answer

    while IFS= read -r f; do
      test -e "$f" || return 1

make_list_of_files | allExist

This should work in all POSIX shells.

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