Bash – Syntax error near unexpected token `done’


I'm trying to get this while loop (using nano) to download some websites from this URL but I keep getting the error "syntax error near unexpected token `done'":

while read <FIRST-LAST> do
        echo FIRST-LAST
        curl -O
done < formatted_history.txt

Best Answer

  • Either the do should appear on a new line, or it needs to have a semi-colon inserted in front of it
  • <FIRST-LAST> should actually be the name of a shell variable, and FIRST-LAST should be a reference to that variable. < and > are not legal characters for shell variables, so we can deduce that something else must be substituted here instead. person seems to be as good a variable name as any in this particular case.

I think something like this should work much better:

while read person ; do
        echo "${person}"
        curl -O "${person}"
done < formatted_history.txt

This assumes that the file formatted_history.txt actually exists in the current directory and is a list of people from the page - something like:

... etc ...
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