Bash Syntax Error – Fixing Unexpected Token ‘<'


I am writing a script to read the output of a command to variable a and b. This is the script


read a b < <(awk '/Application Server/ && !seen[$7]++{printf "%s ", $7}' /tmp/ServerState)

echo "The value of a is $a"
echo "The value of b is $b"

and getting the syntax error as :

line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
line 3: `read a b < <(awk /Application Server/ && !seen[$7]++{echo "%s ", $7} /tmp/ServerState)'

But when I am typing the same command in the console it is working for me without any issue.

app@user:/tmp> read a b < <(awk '/Application Server/ && !seen[$7]++{printf "%s ", $7}' /tmp/ServerState)
app@user:/tmp> echo $a
app@user:/tmp> echo $b

Any help on this is really appreciated.

Best Answer

sh (which in most (Debian-derived) systems is linked to dash) doesn't allow process substitution. Try invoke by bash Same calling by ./ executes with sha-bang which is /bin/bash in your script.

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