Bash – ssh user@IP sh missed environment variables


I use an approach

ssh user@IP sh []

to execute script remotely, this works fine. But I got one problem, that is in, I can't get any envirnoment variables which are defined in ~/.bashrc. If I launch the script locally, everything goes fine, but how can I get those environment configurations with ssh command?

One workable approach is to add one line

. ~/.bashrc

in every in the very beginning, but in this way, I need to modify a lot of "" files on clients. Is there a better idea ?

Best Answer

You shouldn't have environment variable definitions in ~/.bashrc, that file is for configurations for bash when running interactively (aliases, prompts, that kind of stuff). The place for environment variables is ~/.profile; it's read when you start an interactive session in text mode, and on many systems also in graphics mode. See this answer for more details.

To run a bash shell that sets your environment variables as usual for the remote machine, you can do

ssh user@IP bash --login

For other shells, make them read your .profile (and perhaps /etc/profile as well):

ssh user@IP '. /etc/profile; . ~/.profile; exec'

If you want to copy environment variables from your local session over ssh, that's possible but usually disabled on the server side. Read this answer for more details.

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