Bash – Split single string into character array using ONLY bash


I want to split 'hello' into h e l l o in an array using only bash, I could do it in sed with sed 's/./& /g' but I want to know how to split a string into an array in Bash when I do not know what the delimiter would be, or the delimiter is any single character. I don't think I can use ${i// /} without some creativity because the delimiter is an unknown, and I don't think that expression accepts regex. I tried using BASH_REMATCH with [[ string =~ ([a-z].).* ]] but it doesn't work as I expected. What is the proper way to use only bash to accomplish a string.split() type of behavior? The reason is that I am trying to write the rev utility in all bash:

  while read data; do
  word=($(echo $data|tr ' ' '_'|sed 's/./& /g'))
  i=$((${#word[@]} - 1))
  while [[ $i -ge 0 ]]; do
    (( i-- ))
  echo ${new[@]}|tr -d ' '|tr '_' ' '

But I used tr and sed, I want to know how to do the split properly and then I will fix it to be all bash. Just for fun.

Best Answer

declare -a a   # define array a
for ((i=0; i<${#s}; i++)); do a[$i]="${s:$i:1}"; done
declare -p a   # print array a in a reusable form


declare -a a='([0]="h" [1]="e" [2]="l" [3]="l" [4]="o")'

or (please note the comments)

while read -n 1 c; do a+=($c); done  <<< "$s"
declare -p a


declare -a a='([0]="h" [1]="e" [2]="l" [3]="l" [4]="o")'
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